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Mississippi Community Health Coding and Billing BootCamp
Thursday, May 11, 2023, 9:00 AM to Friday, May 12, 2023, 12:30 PM CST
Category: Rural or Community Health Coding & Billing Bootcamp

  • Price: $299 Per Person
  • Times: Day 1: 9:00AM - 4:00PM CST Day 2: 9:00AM - 12:30PM CST
  • Location: CHCAMS Annex Building 6508 Dogwood View Parkway, Suite D Jackson, MS 39213
  • CEUs/CMEs: Approved for 11 CEUs AAPC/ArchProCoding

 Overview and Purpose

This 2-day bootcamp focuses on clinical documentation, coding, & billing for Federally Qualified Health Centers/Community Health Centers (aka FQHCs) and allows attendees to optionally earn the nation’s only FQHC-specific coding and billing credentials.

This Bootcamp course is designed to help revenue cycle staff pass an optional certification exam to become a Community Health Coding & Billing Specialist (CH-CBS). Full attendance includes the live/virtual training sessions, a 90-day ArchProCoding membership (one year if you pass the optional exam), access to a 20-question practice exam, and access to the full certification exam.

Additionally, it is designed to help facility leaders and MDs/PAs/NPs/CPs/CSWs understand how the unique rules around FQHC documentation, coding, billing, and cost reports require careful attention, workflow adjustments, and full awareness of key CMS resources that differ from traditional medical offices.

  • Team-based training creates a shared platform of knowledge that will help you meet your clinical and business goals.

Why Should Facility Leaders Also Attend?

Those clinical and business staff members who have worked in traditional medical offices in the past, and have recently joined a FQHC, notice that there are unique CMS billing rules that differ from Part B fee-for-service payment documentation and payment rules.

  • Coordinate effective revenue cycle workflows to stay compliant and to facilitate the submission  a cost report that shows our true costs via consistent professional coding.
  • Gain knowledge of how the insurance participation agreements we are bound to by Medicare/Medicaid/commercial insurance companies requires differing billing approaches and claim forms.

Why Should Clinical Providers Also Attend?

This course is approved for 11 CMEs for providers as described more fully below.  We respectfully urge key clinical personnel (MD, NP, PA, RN) to attend as well since the clinical documentation they enter into the medical record is the foundation for all professional coding and medical billing.

  • Learn the guidelines from key source materials (ex., CPT and ICD-10-CM) instead of EHR/IT short-cuts in order to distinguish the differences between coding and billing activities.
  • Identify their responsibilities in how information moves from their mind to the medical record – how those services are subsequently coded to generate public health data and information for our cost report – and finally, how some codes may have to change (ex. 99214>G2025) to meet various insurance company billing requirements.

Key Takeaways

  • To make sure you are documenting and coding for 100% of what is done based on the CPT, HCPCS-II, and ICD-10-CM guidelines. 
  • Understand how to bill for per diem and fee-for-service primary care visits, behavioral health, and preventive services to Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial payers.
  • Help your facility have a full record of each service you provide (via CPT/HCPCS-II codes) and why they were done (via ICD-10-CM codes) for your annual cost report regardless of whether you get paid or not.
  • To help you generate 100% of the revenue that you are entitled to – but no more than you are allowed.
  • Learn to reporting quality measures related to Shared Savings, Risk Adjustment, HCCs, or other Quality Improvement Programs.
  • Increase your knowledge of the guidelines that appear before and after key coding sections in the AMA’s CPT that rarely are accessible to providers and coders/billers in their EHRs and encoder software.

Basic Agenda           

  • Documentation vs. Coding vs. Billing
  • Introduction to FQHCs – What Makes Us Different?
  • Key CMS References + Using the CMS 1450/1500 Forms
  • Billing for Various Payment Systems (FFS vs. Per Diem)
  • Treat and Document Visits – A Focus on E/M
  • AMA/CMS Requirements for Documentation in the CPT
  • Overview of Preventive Medicine services and CMS-covered Preventive G-codes
  • Telehealth versus Virtual Communication Services
  • Care Management (i.e., CCM, TCM, PCM, BHI, Psych CoCM)
  • Code the Full Encounter for Patients, Cost Reports, and Billing
  • Review of the various definitions of the "surgical/global package" – AMA/CMS/commercial
  • Documenting for Quality Care Reporting and CPT Category II 
  • Documenting and Coding for Procedures in the CPT
  • Review of the “2022 ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting”
  • Z-codes and the Social Determinants of Health
  • Free Coding Tools for Billing via RBRVS
  • Bundling and Claim Scrubbing via the NCCI
  • When do we need to use Modifiers?

Required Class Materials

  • CPT manual (AMA’s Professional Edition strongly recommended)
  • Any publisher’s HCPCS-II manual
  • Any publisher’s ICD-10-CM manual
  • A .pdf of the class slides will be emailed 1-2 days before class

If you need to order books from the ArchProCoding Bookstore, please allow ample shipping time as coding manuals will not be brought by our team for live events and they are required for class when taught live via a live virtual approach. 

11 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) approved by ArchProCoding & AAPC.

11 CME (Continuing Medical Education) Credits for MD, DO, NP, PA, RN

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint providership of the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine and the Association for Rural & Community Health Professional Coding.  The University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education to physicians.

The University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 11 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Earning the Certification

A few days after completing the live/virtual class, authorized attendees will be able to take the 100 question online certification examination over a 24 hour period.  The exam is scored immediately and a score of 70% must be achieved to earn the credential.  An annual membership fee and 8 CEUs are required each year to maintain the credential.